The optimal correlation between reliability, quality of products and attractive price policy was found due to efforts of managers, main technologists, and staff of the company. This correlation appeared as a result of hard work, development and improvement in such spheres as:
-logistics (optimal location of manufacturing, warehouses and partners allows to achieve considerable economy of expenses comparing with most of other competitors),
-advertisement (funds are directed only for the advertisement aimed on a certain target audience, thus advertisement funds are spent in the most rational way).
-raw materials (direct access and contact with a producer of oil base and additives allows to control the components’ quality and to be always informed about prices tends, which has a positive effect on the formation of price policy).
Technology of oils production specifies constant quality control of products on the every stage of production: starting from the choice, processing and preparation of raw materials, high-quality equipment and the process of oil production by itself as well as the seminars for the staff of company.
Growth and development of «Excellent» Oil is based on investments in new technologies of production.
Technological abilities of «Excellent» Oil company includes researches of new items production in the spheres, where the availability of own technologies is a competitive advantage. This is one of the aims of technologies development. So the research complex was created on the basis of production association. This complex researches new technologies of production and resources with improved energy efficiency.
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